Epic Encounters: Local Legends - Green Dragon

Deliverytime: 14 - 16 working days (Mo-Fr) *
21,21 EUR
Key points at a glance:
Product Description

ELEVATOR PITCH: Tricky, highlyintelligent, and more interested inamusing itself than eating anyone,this Green Dragon is likely to test theskills and smarts of even the mostexperienced parties! Perfect to dropinto any fantasy roleplaying game,this Local Legend gives you the toolsto create thrilling moments in yourcampaigns. It’s designed to work withthe Local Legends Tavern Kit and isalso 5e-compatible, so you can use itwith any fantasy roleplaying game.

Manufacturer information

VARIA System GmbH
Dr.-Salvador-Allende-Straße 191
09119 Chemnitz
DE - Deutschland

E-Mail: info@varia.org

Person responsible for the EU

VARIA System GmbH
Dr.-Salvador-Allende-Straße 191
09119 Chemnitz
DE - Deutschland

E-Mail: info@varia.org

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