US82154D - Torg Eternity - Sweet or Torg
Sweet or Torg: Orrorsh is a realm of horrors whose inhabitants get by from day to day by arming themselves with the knowledge of what to expect, how to avoid trouble and what to do if they do get into a sticky situation. But Orrorsh
doesn't make it easy for them, because secrets and surprises are the order of the day here and rob them of the hope they need to survive.
The magic of Central Earth: Central Earth was once a much more magical place. There are countless legends about fairies, dragons, wizards, cunning "gods" and bigfoots, and many of them are true ... or at least they were a long time ago. As technology has advanced, the influence of magic has waned, and for most people the magical beings of yesteryear are now mere "fairy tale creatures". However, thanks to the law of imagination of Central Earth, their existence has not been completely forgotten.
- Language: German
- Softcover
In this book youwill find
- The secret societies of Orrorsh
- Newspaper clippings with rumours and unconfirmed reports that should be of interest to Storm Knights
who brave the dangers of Orrorsh
- More information on the Magic Axiom of Central Earth, ley lines, magical locations and secret societies
- New equipment, spells and perks
- Language: German
Manufacturer information
Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH
Industriestraße 11
65529 Waldems / Steinfischbach
DE - Deutschland
Person responsible for the EU
Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH
Industriestraße 11
65529 Waldems / Steinfischbach
DE - Deutschland