20 or more:
21,24 EUR
50 or more:
21,06 EUR
200 or more:
20,87 EUR
500 or more:
20,69 EUR
1000 or more:
20,50 EUR
2500 or more:
20,32 EUR
This deck of playing cards contains all the values for elementals, un-elementals, golemids and more from the Aventurian Elementarium. In addition, reference cards clearly present the rules for summoning and creating these creatures. Also included are all special skills, spells, new alchemics and profession packs for elemental researchers and practitioners.
Caution. Not suitable for children under 36 months.
- Language: German
Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH
Industriestraße 11
65529 Waldems / Steinfischbach
DE - Deutschland
E-Mail: feedback@ulisses-spiele.de
Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH
Industriestraße 11
65529 Waldems / Steinfischbach
DE - Deutschland
E-Mail: feedback@ulisses-spiele.de