20 or more:
13,22 EUR
50 or more:
13,10 EUR
200 or more:
12,98 EUR
1000 or more:
12,87 EUR
The full conversion set upgrades all the special zombies, companions and survivors from the classic Zombicide series so you can now use them with the new Zombicide: 2nd Edition! The set contains over 200 conversion cards.
Note: The conversion set includes upgrades for all special zombies, companions and survivors from the retail versions, no Kickstarter exclusive upgrades are included.
Asmodee GmbH
Friedrichstraße 47
45128 Essen
DE - Deutschland
E-Mail: vertrieb@asmodee.com
Asmodee GmbH
Friedrichstraße 47
45128 Essen
DE - Deutschland
E-Mail: vertrieb@asmodee.com