Arkham Horror: The Card Game, The Forgotten Age (Investigator Expansion)
In remote places around the world, buried beneath secret, forbidden ruins, lie ancient relics that humanity should never have found. Now the relics have been unleashed on the world. But there are also a few brave ones who would sacrifice anything to set things right and save the earth from its doom.
The Forgotten Age Investigator Expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game contains five investigators and all the player cards from The Forgotten Age cycle. Lead your party safely as expedition leader Leo Anderson; explore the untouched wilderness as explorer Ursula Downs; escape from difficult situations as booze smuggler Finn Edwards; work miracles as priest Father Mateo; and make a dark pact in search of more power as the Damned Calvin Wright.
The Forgotten Age Investigator Expansion allows players to build new investigator decks or redesign their existing ones and use them to play Arkham Horror: The Card Game scenarios and campaigns as they see fit.
Note:A base game of Arkham Horror: The Card Game is required to play.
- Players: 1 - 4
- Age: 14 +
- Game duration: 45 +
- Genre: Living Card Game , Card Game
- Category: Expert games
- Mechanism: Hand Management, Deck Building
Manufacturer information
Asmodee GmbH
Friedrichstraße 47
45128 Essen
DE - Deutschland
Person responsible for the EU
Asmodee GmbH
Friedrichstraße 47
45128 Essen
DE - Deutschland