20 or more:
3,52 EUR
50 or more:
3,49 EUR
200 or more:
3,46 EUR
500 or more:
3,43 EUR
1000 or more:
3,40 EUR
2500 or more:
3,37 EUR
Rummy, French deck - ASS Altenburger
The most popular card games in the world from Rummy to Canasta to Bridge can be played with this playing card set: The 2x 55 cards including 6 jokers in a slip lid box offer countless possibilities for an exciting game night. New design with Made in Germany logo.
Rummy, a game for 2 to 4 players aged 10 to 100 years.
Cartamundi Deutschland GmbH
Leipziger Straße 7
04600 Altenburg
DE - Deutschland
E-Mail: info@spielkarten.com
Cartamundi Deutschland GmbH
Leipziger Straße 7
04600 Altenburg
DE - Deutschland
E-Mail: info@spielkarten.com